The Beetle that Saved the Bee


In a lush and green forest, there lived a happy colony of bees. They resided in their hive made of delicious honey and surrounded by lush green foliage. Within the colony, there was a young bee named Maya, full of spirit and eager to explore the world around her.

One day, while foraging for nectar in the beautiful flower garden, Maya became trapped in the deadly and slippery petals of a carnivorous seranga flower. 

She struggled hard to free herself, but the more she fought, the more entangled she became in the flower's web. Her voice faintly echoed, calling for help.

Nearby, lived a beetle named Kibo. Kibo was a clever and compassionate predatory beetle. He saw Maya trapped and immediately felt pity. Although bees and beetles weren't always friendly, Kibo knew he had to do something to help.

Bravely, Kibo flew towards the flower. He carefully observed the web that ensnared Maya. Without hesitation, Kibo used his strong horn to cut through the web one by one. Maya felt relieved as she saw help arrive.

After successfully freeing Maya, Kibo escorted her back to the bee hive. There, the other bees were surprised to see Kibo arriving with Maya. However, once they learned that Kibo had saved Maya, the atmosphere in the hive became warm and filled with gratitude.

Maya then recounted her adventure to the entire bee colony. They were all impressed by Kibo's courage and kindness. As a token of gratitude, the bees offered Kibo their finest nectar. Kibo felt happy to have helped and befriended the bees, despite being different species.

Since that day, the relationship between the bee colony and Kibo grew stronger. 

They helped and protected each other. Life in the forest became more harmonious because of the compassionate actions of a predatory beetle with a big heart. And Maya, after her thrilling adventure, learned that sometimes help can come from unexpected places, even from creatures different from herself.

Story Description: 

 Characters: Bee animal (Maya) and Beetle animal (Kibo) 

 Costumes: Bees, Beetles and Predatory Flowers 

 Location: Flower Park 

 Meaning/Conclusion: learns that sometimes help can come from places he didn't expect, even from animals different from himself.

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